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3G modem = 3G/WiFi router

Poster 3G modem = 3G/WiFi router

One drawback android tablets - is the lack of support the connection 3G from the modem telephone operators. If there is a problem, then there must be a solution. So in our case. To help us come 3G/WiFi routers. What is it?

Devices are very similar to mobile phones. They differ only in the size and lack of screen. In the Wi-Fi router is inserted SIM-card. He works from the internal battery. Charge lasts for 5-8 hours. The device supports up to 5 connections.

Pluses miracle 3G/WiFi router:

  1. Availability of 3G Internet almost anywhere.
  2. Stable communication and data transfer rate.
  3. Battery from the device is offline.

It shows the device

Russian mobile network operators.

The price of this device

about 2200-2800 rubles.

3G modem = 3G/WiFi router


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